Saturday, June 1, 2013

Precious Moment Living: This Month’s Inspirational Quotes Theme

” I choose to always learn from my past experiences in life! 
I choose to plan (prepare) for my future experiences in life! 
However, I choose to always live my life one precious moment at a time!” 
Dwayne Alvin Hearn 
This idea is based on a philosophy of life I am developing called 
“Precious Moment Living.” “Precious Moment Living” is based on 
the idea of “Present Moment Living.” However, I believe that life is 
about more than simply being present; it’s about creating a quality 
experience each and every moment that I am alive. Since the past is 
finished and the future is maybe I believe that this moment takes on 
an even greater significance since it is all that I have, it’s the most 
precious thing in my life! 
For the month of June the theme for my Positive Thinking Space 
Community is precious moment living! 
I believe that by choosing to always live my life in the now, 
in this precious (present) moment I can create a more enjoyable life! 
“This precious moment that I am living in 
is the most essential part of my life!” 
King Solomon Hearn 

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